SCHOOL VISIT HELLO - More news coming thick and fast.. We were delighted at ALBERT the tortoise HQ to be invited to visit a local primary school to do a readingContinue Reading→
WHAT A LAUNCH! HELLO - It happened. The launch week for the second Albert the tortoise picturebook ALBERT AND THE WIND (follow-up to ALBERT UPSIDE DOWN) blew throughContinue Reading→
ALBERT’S NEXT CHAPTER HELLO - Well, we did warn you last time.. There is a LOT going on at Albert HQ... We were thrilled to link up with the Sofa Cushion Challenge peoplContinue Reading→
ALBERT AND THE WIND BLOWS IN… LOOK - It's us and we have BIG news.. Look what just blew in.. It's the COVER REVEAL for Book 2 in the Albert the tortoise picturebook series .. ALBERContinue Reading→
LOVELY LIBRARIES! HELLO - Team Albert is certainly spreading... We've had news of ALBERT UPSIDE DOWN picturebook going into schools in Australia, USA, Japan and NorwaContinue Reading→
BRILLIANT BOOKSHOPS HELLO - More from us at Team Albert .. And we seem to be saying Thank you - a lot... Well, we want to because it's the right thing to do. ALBERT Continue Reading→