I’M A CELBRI-TORT HELLO - welcome to the latest news from ALBERT the tortoise HQ. Lots going on... we are thrilled to say. Firstly - we hope you are finding the nContinue Reading→
SCHOOLS, AWARDS, CELEBS & ALBERT HELLO - Here is the latest news from Albert HQ and it's been a tortally amazing start to the year.. Our feet have hardly touched the ground. We've Continue Reading→
ALBERT MAKING HEADLINES HELLO - More news from Albert HQ .. about us making news.. We've been grabbing headlines in Kent thanks to the book signing at Waterstone's book shop Continue Reading→
TABLOID TORTOISE HELLO - Well, it had to come really.. With all the attention growing around real and illustrated picturebook Albert, the National UK red top tabloidContinue Reading→
THANK YOU FOR SAYING… Hello - welcome to another Blog from us here at Team Albert... While we hoped that Albert the Tortoise - ALBERT UPSIDE DOWN, our first picturebook Continue Reading→