Albert goes East and North East HELLO - welcome to the very latest from ALBERT the tortoise HQ and our friends Hugg 'n' Bugg. Real Albert sleeps on - wise chap. He's missed some rContinue Reading→
ALBERT GOES EAST HELLO and welcome to the latest from Albert the tortoise HQ with our friends Hugg 'n' Bugg the yeti and the flea. Lots of news already after our epContinue Reading→
BUSY FESTIVE TIMES HELLO - welcome to the latest - VERY latest - news from Albert HQ. In the run up to the Christmas break it is super busy and we have lots to share Continue Reading→
BOOKSHOPS, RADIO & ALBERT HELLO - Lots happening still at Albert HQ. In recent days we were asked to visit Waterstone's bookshop in Enfield, Middlesex, to sign a fresh stackContinue Reading→
READING AT THE LIBRARY HELLO - There is a lot occurring here at Albert HQ.. In the last few days our author Ian Brown appeared with lovely Michelle Babs Jordan on BBC RadContinue Reading→