HELLO – the latest news from ALBERT HQ .. and much to tell.

We have been making more headlines.. thanks to the Chingford and East London Guardian Newspapers.
A great report of our window display at the Highams Park library and our book events with V and A bookshop in Highams Park and Jo’s Bookshop in Chingford.

And Saturday October 8 – BOOKSHOP DAY was as big as ever. A chance to support local bookshops. We hope people did. And will. We were delighted to visit TWO local shops – great local assets. V and A Bookshop in Highams Park and Jo’s Bookshop in Chingford. We signed books – and posed. And we even shared the day with NEW Hugg ‘n’ Bugg picturebook (from the same people behind the ALBERT book series) .. The first book is called FINDING HOME. You can find it here on the Hugg ‘n’ Bugg shop page on this website. More posing too.
Both shops have championed our books and we are always grateful.

Please do support YOUR bookshops.

We’re prepped now for a hectic time of school visits, road trips and bookshop events – plus Press and Radio – as welaunch new books.. ALBERT IN THE AIR and Hugg ‘n’ Bugg FINDING HOME.
Come and see us if you can. We will keep you posted here and on our social media .. Remember Albert is on facebook, twitter and tiktok and author bloke is on insta (thebruvstv) facebook and twitter and Hugg ‘n’ Bugg are on facebook.

First stop Wales….

More news from us soon .. Thank you for all the support. Til next time.