The latest news from Albert HQ.. Lots going on. We’re pleased to say the news about MORE Albert picturebooks on the way has received more coverage. This time in Bookseller magazine.

We are very excited to be adding to the adventures of illustrated Albert.

We were also delighted to sign another stack of Albert books at Waterstone’s bookshop in Gower Street London – near Euston Station. Of course we had to pose in their story corner in the children’s section. Thanks to all the bookseller team at the shop.

We had a trip to High Wych in Hertfordshire.. to drop off some signed copies of ALBERT UPSIDE DOWN, ALBERT AND THE WIND & ALBERT SUPERSIZE plus some goodies to be used as Raffle prizes for the forthcoming High Wych Scarecrow Festival… This year the theme of the event is Tortoises. The festival raises funds for local causes.

This year’s fun is on Saturday September 10 and Sunday September 11. We will be there on the Saturday outside St James’ church doing storytime events at 11:30am and 12:30. There will be readings, tales of real Albert, books signing, giveaway goodies and dinosaurs.

Receiving the book prizes was young Fergus. We’re looking forward to attending – and to seeing more of the amazing Tortoise Scarecrows going on show!


More from us very soon. Thank you for all the support. Til next time…