HELLO – the latest news from Albert HQ and it is truly international…
We are always amazed at the reach of Albert – both real Albert and picturebook Albert. We know books have been bought in Australia, across America and Europe. We have seen copies – thanks to YOUR Book Pose pictures – in Japan. As you know, real Albert is UK Ambassador for Sofa Cushion Challenge and California Turtle, Tortoise Care charities in California USA.
NOW Albert is in BURUNDI in the Rift Valley in AFRICA! We are thrilled to see this picture from Caleb showing a great Book Pose by little Jonno with a copy of ALBERT SUPERSIZE. Thanks for posing folks.
A terrific picture.
We would like to take this chance to say – PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE HOSPITAL IN BURUNDI WHERE THESE FOLKS ARE BASED – kibuyehope.com AND PLEASE SUPPORT THEIR WORK IF YOU CAN : serge.org/location/burundi-kibuye/
We’ve also received more pictures.. ACTION SHOTS from a recent visit to Wood End School in Harpenden.
It was a great visit meeting great staff and pupils. Thanks to all involved.
We’re on our travels again soon.. More schools, some return visits (brilliant!) and in coming months we will be visiting Cornwall once more for a bookshop storytime at Waterstone’s in Truro, we’ll be off to Merthy Tydfill and Cardiff in Wales and off to Newcastle.
More immediately – on WEDNESDAY JULY 6 we are delighted to be visiting Suffolk again (a while ago we had a great storytime and book signing trip to Southwold inviited by bookshop Southwold Books and Southwold library) ..
This time – on July 6 we will be visiting WATERSTONE’S BURY ST EDMUNDS (in the Butter Market) to talk about real Albert and for readings from the pciturebooks. Thanks to Team Bury St Edmunds for inviting us. We are TORTally excited.
It means our exciting tour of Waterstone’s marking the launch of picturebook ALBERT SUPERSIZE marches on. Thanks to all the shops who have invited us in.
Of course, we’re still marking INDEPENDENT BOOKSHOP WEEK and urge you to shop local and support your local indie bookshops, if you can.
We’ve had fun sharing some throwback images of visits to Indie Bookshops… Like Bookbugs and Dragon Tales Norwich, Snug Bookshop Bridgwater, V and A Books Highams Park, Edinburgh Bookshop, Not Just Books Thetford, Chicken and Frog, Brentwood… and many more. Thank you all.
More news soon from us.. Til next time.