The New Year has seen Albert HQ hit the ground running.. if not quite real Albert himself. He’s still slumbering his way through the UK winter.
So much occurring… Time for a round-up…
Not long now til judgment day for the Bishop’s Stortford Picture Book Award that we’ve been shortlisted for with Albert’s first picturebook ALBERT UPSIDE DOWN. We are tortally excited..
Anyway, News of us being on the shortlist for the award run by the Bishop’s Stortford College Festival of Literature has made headlines.. In Essex Magazine. Tortally thrilling..
We’ve been making Headlines in other parts of Essex too.. We went to Waterstone’s at Lakeside shopping centre in Thurrock straight after Christmas to sign copiesof ALBERT AND THE WIND and, almost immediately we were invited back to sign MORE Albert books – ALBERT UPSDIE DOWN – and we got in the THURROCK GAZETTE… Even on the cover!
We’ve also been chatting about Albert on the airwaves.. Thanks to Hazel Butterfield at RIVERSIDE RADIO in Battersea covering Wandsworth, Merton and south west London.. It was great to spend TWO HOURS on her show and talking all things Albert the tortoise..
We’ve also been SUPER busy booking into schools to talk about Albert, his real tortoise and turtle cousins, dinosaurs and to read the books.
AND, as if that’s not enough news.. We received some lovely Book Pose pictures from you lot…
This is Sophia who was having to isolate. Her clever grandma sent her a copy of ALBERT UPSIDE DOWN as a special gift and it seemed to put a smile on Sophia’s face..
This little fella is Albiue.. He was celebrating his 2nd birthday (at least 78 years younger than our Albert) and he received a copy of ALBERT AND THE WIND as a gift. And an old snowboot to play in.
We love to see YOUR Book Pose pictures .. Please keep sending them in .. and Please keep posting your reviews for the books .. It all helps.
More news from us very soon… Keep spreading the word about ALBERT THE TORTOISE…
Til next time…