HELLO – More news from ALBERT HQ… And we bring news of a wonderful visit to a primary school in Luton, Bedfordshire in the UK where Albert has had a huge effect, it seems.. He’s almost taken over the school.

All was revealed after our wrangler, writer bloke was invited to visit the school to talk about real Albert and do a reading of the Albert picturebook ALBERT UPSIDE DOWN. To our delight, the school – Bramingham Primary School – had made the picturebook a WHOLE SCHOOL TEXT.. which means nearly 400 pupils were studying the book, learning about the book, learning about Albert…

It was a great visit that revelaed so much more… Walls were covered in amazing art and displays by the children.. They had written new Albert stories, had created Albert comic books.. and lots of Albert art.

It was incredible and a joy to see and it was a tortal joy to meet the children and the staff at the school. We salute everyone there and all involved.

Both Ian Brown and Eoin Clarke are so pleased to see the Albert Upside Down book inspiring like this.

We want to thank the heads at the school for discovering the book and Albert and taking it to the rest of the school.

Another visit is definitely on the cards in the New Year to read and talk about ALBERT AND THE WIND.. the follow-up picturebook in the Albert book series.

More news soon – as so much is occurring.

In the meantime here are some pictures .. and we say til next time…