Hello – greetings from us as Autumn seems to be taking its grip.
Real Albert is certainly on the big wind down to his long sleep. We’ll keep you posted on that right here.
Fortunately, he was still awake to hear some lovely news.. The first Albert picturebook ALBERT UPSIDE DOWN is up for an Award.. Voted for by children. We are absolutely thrilled. Tortally excited, Albert might say.
Illustrator Eoin Clarke and author Ian Brown (and Albert) are delighted to be on the long list for The COGAN FRIENDSHIP PICTUREBOOK AWARD. It would be wonderful to win something for our first Albert book. But it’s delightful just to be nominated (that might be a bit of a fib).
As ever, we’ll keep yopu posted on how that develops right here.
In other news.. Not long now until the launch of the paperback of the next Albert book – ALBERT AND THE WIND. Lots of publicity being lined up.. Some TV, lots of radio and some newspapers, bloggers and more… Watch this space.
Also, we’re pleased to have gifted copies of ALBERT UPSIDE DOWN to another local library. We like to support libraries. They’re an important local asset.
More news from us soon. Til the next time…